- The following list has been prepared to give a perspective to
students interested in participating in my research projects.
- Meeting info:
[829 6770 5989, ihbar,
- Background knowledge necessary to participate in these projects
can be found in my lecture notes.
- Introductory level physics courses.
- Graduate level physics courses.
- Schwinger's techniques:
- Classical Electrodynamics,
by J. Schwinger, L. L. DeRaad, Jr., K. A. Milton, and Wu-yang Tsai.
- Quantum Mechanics: Symbolism of Atomic Measurements,
by J. Schwinger, edited by B.-G. Englert.
- Particles, Sources, and Fields,
by J. Schwinger.
- Green's function techniques
- Research projects:
Refer to the section on research topics in
my list of publications.
Last updated on
by K. V. Shajesh