Course Webpage for PHYS 510: Classical Mechanics (2017 Spring)
Department of Physics, Southern Illinois University--Carbondale
Last updated: May 14, 2017. (This page is no more maintained.)
Office hours for instructor: MWF 10-11:30AM; T 2-3 PM; R 11-11:30 AM.
Syllabus for the course.
The Provost Office has put together a
Syllabus Attachment
to assist the student.
It lists and provides web links for many elements that are important
for a student.
Grades will be posted on
SIU Online (password protected).
Relevant references:
Classical Mechanics, by Goldstein, Poole, and Safko.
(Available in
Mechanics, by L.D. Landau and E.M. Lifshitz.
(Available in